Quality Assurance Service

We Guarantee That Your Manuscript Will Not Be Rejected Due To Language Or Formatting Issues

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A Separate System Developed For Quality Assurance

Our commitment to excellence is as uncompromising as a researcher's commitment to its research integrity. In any case, if any of our clients remain unsatisfied with our editing services, they can claim a refund directly. We are confident about our high-caliber editor's team who possess excellence and accuracy in their work.


Submission in Preferred Journal


Editor's Subject Knowledge

We have edited approximately 15,000 publications in the field of Life Sciences and allied disciplines, spanning 8,000 reviews.

Quality Check Process

Complaint Assessment

If a client is unsatisfied with any aspect of our editing services, their manuscript will be assigned to a senior editor for additional revisions. JPE's specialized team of editors will continue to serve their services to a client until they are completely satisfied.

Quality Management

Simultaneously, the team of quality management ensures that all complaint aspects are taken into consideration during the reviewing process. Once the issues have been discovered, the quality management team takes corrective measures to address the situation.

Last Step

Once the systemic issue is discovered during evaluation, the appropriate actions will be taken. Journal Publishing Expert ensures to address all the problems and provide acceptable solutions. In rare cases, we provide a refund if there are major quality issues.

JPE is With You Until Your Paper Gets Published

Our substantive editors and rejection shields can help you in your revisions. We ensure unlimited revisions, editing, and reformatting of the manuscript for publish-ready quality journals.

What Makes Us The Best


Journal Experts

We provide quality journal experts for your document. The significance of the AI-driven process at Journal Publishing Expert helps in finding your document the best journal expert to do the job.



Our expert publishing services go beyond our limits to serve your preferences. We ensure that our journal publishing services are highly customized based on your perspective and selections.


Efficacy and

Journal Publishing Experts focuses on using technology for better and more efficient responses to us. We learn faster and grow effectively to help you receive smooth publishing.



Our journal experts have professional experience and we provide a guarantee that your paper will never be rejected by international journals based on language and unstructured formatting.

Our Journal Publishing Experts provide premium Quality Services

We have collaboration worth 10 years with professional researchers and editors

Our goal is to speed up your journal publishing process. Journal publishing services have catered to thousands of clients around the globe based on high-quality editing services and journal publishing support.

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We Serve In 16 Subject Areas

At Journal Publishing Expert
Journal Publishing Experts are affiliated with more than 15,000 journals and indexing bodies.

bulletOur journal experts provide successful and timely delivery.
bulletWe are focused on providing expert publishing with significant diligence and expertise.